F2F Class Notes (Cynthia)(S)


Hug – To hold someone close to your body with arm, usually to show love.

E.g- Have you hugged your child today?

Balcony – An area with a wall or bars around it that is joined to the outside wall of a building on a upper level.

E.g – We had a drink on the hotel balcony.

Vet (Veterinarian)  – Animal doctor.

E.g –  My cat injured her paw, so I brought her to the vet.

Tumor – A mass of cells in the body that grows faster than usual and can cause illness.

E.g – She recently found out that she has brain tumor.

Kidney – A pair of small organs in the body that take away waste matter from the blood to produce urine

E.g – She suffered kidney failure and needed a blood transfusion.

Liver –  A large organ in the body that cleans the blood and produces bile.

E.g – He died of liver failure.

Unacceptable – To bad to be accepted , approved of or allowed to continue.

E.g – I feel that the pollution in Shanghai is totally unacceptable.

Obvious – Easy to see, recognize or understand.

E.g – I know you don’t like her, but do you need to make it so obvious?

Old-Fashioned – Not modern, belonging to a time in the past.

E.g – She is very old-fashioned in her outlook.

Daytime – The period between the time when the sun rises and the time it goes down or the part of the day that is neither evening nor night.

E.g – She finally got a regular daytime job.