F2F Class Notes (Cynthia) (S)


Company – An organization that produces or sell goods in order to make profit.

E.g – He owns part of the company that manufactures computer softwares.

Proper – Fitting or right for a particular  reason.

E.g – With proper treatment, she will recover by next week.

Misunderstanding –  An occasion where someone does not understand a situation correctly.

E.g – There must be some misunderstanding, I never asked for this chairs to be delivered.

Convenient – Suitable for your purposes causing no difficulty for your schedule or plans.

E.g – Would 3 o clock be convenient to meet?

Junk Food – Food that is not good for health because it is in high in sugar and fats.

E.g –  Potato chips is my favorite junk food.

Foie Gras –  Goose Liver.

E.g- My sister is making foie gras sushi for dinner tonight.

Salmon – A medium size fish with pink flesh.

E.g –  Salmon sashimi is one of my favorite food.