F2F Class Notes (Cynthia)


Cast -An object made by pouring hot liquid in a container and leaving it to become solid.

E.g – I need plaster to create cast.

Plaster – 石膏, a liquid to make a plaster cast

Plaster Cast – 打石膏,a cast to protect a broken bone.

E.g – I need to keep my plaster cast for three weeks.

Bandage – 纱布, a strip of cloth to wrap around an injury.

E.g – She has a bandage around her knee.

Hook – 钩, a curved device to hang something

E.g – I need to change the hook for my fishing line

Operation/Surgery – 手术,treatment of cutting open the body.

E.g –  I need to under go a surgery next week.

Stubborn – 调皮,