F2F Class Notes (Cynthia)


Mundane – 无趣. Something ordinary and not interesting.
E.g – My life from Monday to Friday is very mundane.

Irresponsible – 不负责. Not thinking of the results.
E.g – I would irresponsible if you ignore those warnings.

Weird – 奇怪. Something weird and unusual.
E.g – I feel that her boyfriend is a little weird.

Envy – 羡慕. To wish to have someone that another person has.
E.g – I envy that my sister has such good cooking skills.

Jealous – 嫉妒. Unhappy and upset because someone has the item that you want.
E.g – He is jealous because his colleague got a promotion.

Recommend – 推荐. To suggest something to someone.
E.g – I can recommend the mushroom chicken, it is really delicious.


Weird – /wɪrd/

Jealous – /ˈdʒel.əs/

Cocktail –  /ˈkɑːk.teɪl/

Lemonade – /ˌlem.əˈneɪd/


Luke, Alice and my have a group chat – Luke, Alice and me have a group chat.