F2F Class Notes (Cynthia) [S]

Speaking exercise

Maybe my English level is not high, then sometimes I have a foreigners client came to my companies, my manager let me talk with my foreigners client. To learn the English class and to make a foreigners girlfriend.

My English level is not that high, sometimes I have foreign clients that comes to my company. My manager lets me talk to my foreign clients. I plan to improve my English by attending English classes and also communicate more with my foreign girlfriend.


Routine – 常规 A fixed way of doing something.
E.g – My daily routine, includes going to the gym at 6am.

Quotation – 报价单.
E.g – I need to send the quotation to my client by tomorrow morning.

Thyme – 百里香. A herb used in cooking.
E.g – I use a lot of thyme in my cooking.

Oven – 烤箱. Something you used to bake or roast food.
E.g – I roasted the chicken in the oven for 45 minutes.

Sour –  酸.
E.g – I dislike sour food.


We have 3 boss – We have 3 bosses.


Lemon –  /ˈlem.ən/