F2F Class Notes (Cynthia)


Client – A customer or someone that receive services.
E.g – I need to present this to my client tomorrow morning.

Landlord – A person that you pay rent too.
E.g – My landlord is always increasing my rent.

Lamb – Meat of the sheep.
E.g – I am making lamb chops for dinner tonight.

Pork – Meat of the pig.
E.g – I want to learn how to make pork sausages.

Purple – A dark reddish blue color.

See the source image E.g – Purple is one of my favorite color.

Recommend – To suggest something to someone one.
E.g – I can recommend the chicken mushroom soup. It is really delicious.

Ginger – The spicy root of a tropical plant normally used for cooking.

picture of gingerE.g –  I am planning to make gingerbread cookies for Christmas.