F2F Class Notes (Cynthia)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Hi Yolanda,

As we talked on the phone, please go to our office at 3:00PM in Oct. 19,2018. We will sign your offer letter in person.
I booked your visit in our system and you need to take your original ID card when you go into our office, thank you.

Joan Chen

Hi/Dear Yolanda,

As we talked/mentioned/spoke on the phone, please come to our office at 3:00PM in/on Oct. 19,2018. We will then sign your offer letter in person.
I have already booked your visit into our system and you will need to bring your original ID card when you come to our office. Thank You.

Joan Chen


Venture -/ˈven.tʃɚ/

Relative -/ˈrel.ə.t̬ɪv/