F2F Class Notes (Cynthia)


Do you happen to have any back injuries?

Do you happen to have any injuries?

Are you pregnant?

How many months are you pregnant?

Place your weight on your left foot, bring up your right foot.

Stretch your right arm to touch the right toes.

Breathe in.

Stand straight and chest up.

Stretch your hips.

Place your hand around your ankle.


Wrap –/ræp/

Wrists -/rɪst/

Chant -/tʃænt/

Gaze -/ɡeɪz/

Prayer -/prer/

Within -/wɪˈðɪn/

Pregnant -/ˈpreɡ.nənt/

Awareness -/əˈwer.nəs/

Foot – /fʊt/

Curl -/kɝːl/

Concentration -/ˌkɑːn.sənˈtreɪ.ʃən/