F2F Class Notes (Cricket)[R]


Use the new words in a sentence. Upload the sentences to Smart English


spouse– the person you are married to

eg. How is your spouse doing?

eg. I have never met his spouse I think she is very busy.

culture– wenhua

eg. The American culture is very different from the Chinese culture.

eg. I really like Chinese culture because the writing is beautiful.

anniversary– the yearly date of an event-

eg. It is the one year anniversary of my restaurant being open.

wedding anniversary– the date of your marriage

eg. Our next wedding anniversary will be our 16th.

stressed out– jiaotoulan

eg. Christmas can stress parents out in the US.

eg. When my daughter doesn’t listen to me it stresses me out.


Maybe, in five years we will move to America.

I like giving funny gifts.

Because you give to me with your heart and I don’t give it to other people. I would not re-gift something because it was given to me by someone’s heart. I would not give it to another person.

I very like it. I like it a lot.

I like wallets a lot. I own many wallets.

I very like the watch brand. I really like the brand of watch.

I like the watch because it is expensive.

For boyfriend or girlfriend flower is enough. For boyfriends and girlfriends I think giving flowers is enough for a birthday gift. 

But for husband or wife flower is not enough. But for husbands and wives I think flowers is not enough to give on their birthday.

In addition to flowers is need a lot of gifts. I think more gifts are needed in addition to flowers.

My sister have two child. My sister has two children.

It is bad luck to give someone a clock because it might cause them to have to move.

I very very celebrate my birthday. I really celebrate my birthday. I celebrate my birthday a lot.

It’s about one weeks day. It’s about one week long. 


toys– toi-z

Greece– greas


There are Southern Lights in New Zealand. A camera films them. People also see them in Australia, America and Europe.

The Southern Lights are like the Northern Lights. People also call them auroras. You can see them at night in the sky. They look like big lines of colours. They move. They are very pretty.

You can see them all year. You can see them really well two times a year. That is during the spring and autumn equinoxes.

Difficult words: aurora (a big line of light in the sky), equinox (when you are in the middle of a season), particle (a little bit of energy).
