VIP Class Notes (Nate)

Speaking exercise

Speaking about certain books, Alice in wonderland.

The doors are very big and very small. Some are big, he cant come into it. She saw some water on the table, she drank one and It said “drink me” and the water was small. She can go into the small doors.

Alice and the dragon, she is very clever and brave, because the hole is very deep and she would fall into the hole, but she wasn’t feeling scared.

The story is excellent, the story has many exciting parts.

I like to swim, because swimming can help me relax my body and I can play the piano. The piano can make many sounds, I can play many songs. I like to play fast songs on the piano.

Wood cubes need four tree cubes to make a wood cube. You can cut the tree to make many things. For example, an ax and a table. You can make a home, you can live in the grass land or the desert, in the forest you can make meet many animals. You can eat a lot of fruit but, there are a lot of dangerous things.


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Have Hades, search vocabulary words based on his favorite video games, focusing on adjectives that describe the games characters. For example, (Big/small/fat/short/skinny/crusty/scary/slimy/)


“Many things” (Instead we would use “a lot of things”)

“In the noon”  (Instead we would use “In the afternoon”)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


“Deep” – Measurement of depth. (This hole is very deep.)

“Exciting” -Feeling or emotion. (I like the exciting feeling of going to play football.)

“Practice” – To carry out of apply. (I like to practice football.)

“Bow and arrow” – A weapon. (I used to practice bow and arrow.)


“Geography” (Make sure to pronounce the soft g)

“Giraffe” (Make sure to pronounce the “ir” sound)