F2F Class Notes (Celeste/Yang)


Read the article below at home and read it again in your next class.

Heavy Rains in Japan – level 1

In Japan, it rains a lot. Heavy rain falls in two prefectures. The rain floods homes and infrastructure. It damages them. Many people have to leave.

One person dies. He drowns in a river.

Japan’s weather organisation talks about the rain. It says that it rains 35 centimetres in one night!

Difficult words:
prefecture (a big area in a country like in Japan)
flood (cover with water)
 (the things that a city needs so its people can live there).


I ate the expensive sharks’ fin dish when I was in Macau last week.
Last week when I was in Macau, I ate the expensive sharks’ fin dish.

I like the spa at Banyan Tree Hotel Macau because it is very relaxing / comfortable / peaceful / quiet / calm.

My favorite hotel is the Ritz Carlton.
My second favorite hotel is Banyan Tree Hotel.
My third favorite hotel is Marriott.

Prices are the cheapest(lowest) in Hong Kong.
Prices in Macau are a bit more expensive than Hong Kong.
Prices in Shanghai are the most expensive. / Prices are the most expensive in Shanghai.

turbulence ( ter – bew – lenss ) n. – strong sudden movements within air or water
eg. I had a nice, smooth, quiet, calm flight. There was no turbulence.

I really like wallets. So, he gave my me a wallet.

A clutch bag is a small bag that you can use for special occasions.
