F2F Class Notes (Celeste/Howie) [S]


7 hours and 3o minutes =  7 and a half hours = 7.5 hours

100 divided by 2 = 50 sometimes we can write .5 or .50

word search n. – activity to look for words in a puzzle

horizontal = left to right / right to left
vertical = top to bottom / bottom to top

row/s = horizontal
columns/s = vertical

crust/s n. – outer edge of pizza with no sauce, cheese, or toppings

Speaking exercise

Do you prefer pasta or pizza? Why?

I prefer pasta more than pizza because it is so yummy. I don’t like peppers on my pasta because they are hot and a little spicy. However, I like onions, tomato sauce, and beef on my pasta which is called bolognese sauce. My favorite restaurant to eat pasta is Morgan Field which is in Changning and a bit far from my house. I usually go there once a week.