F2F Class Notes (Celeste/Howie)

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Review Game:
Celeste asked Howie 1 question. If he makes a long sentence with correct grammar, then he gets one piece of the puzzle toy.

Can you make 1 long sentence with “too”?
I am having an English lesson and I am playing a game, too.

fun vs. funny
I have fun in my English class with my friends because my friend does some funny things.

who vs. which 
He is my friend which he is tall. / He is my friend who is tall. – I have a friend who is tall.
Who is taller than me?
Which season do you like?  My favorite season is summer because I can eat ice cream which is cold and yummy.

What are your hobbies and interests?
My hobby is swimming and play lego and my interest is running. – My hobbies are swimming and playing with Legos and my interests are running and playing tennis. 

we vs. us
we like you, you like us.
like playing with your ball, you like playing with our ball.

What is a helmet?
Someone will put helmet on his head because some bad person will fight him. – Soldiers will put helmets on their heads to protect their heads.

What is a missile?
There are some missiles in a gun.

What are subtitles? (subtitles help you understand a movie in a different language)
Some people watch movies and they understand…. 
Do you watch movies with subtitles? No, I don’t watch movies with subtitles because I don’t have any time.

teleport – I go to a teleport in my game because there are some monsters in the teleport.

excavator vs. escalator 
Escalators are like moving stairs to help people go up and down.
Excavators dig into the ground to build houses.

The ugly villain stole the beautiful sleeping princess from the stone castle. What is a villain? A villain is a bad guy.