F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [W/R]


Read Part 2 of the article below AND listen to the recording.
Read the article in your next class and talk about any new words.

Writing exercise

After I finished my class, I went back home and decided to eat something. Then I went back to JingAn Kerry Center to do my OT from 9 to 10 at night. When I finished them before, I booked taxi from DiDi App, so when I finished work five minutes late, the taxi had arrived, then I arrived home half past 10 at night.

After I finished my class, I went back home and decided to eat something. Then I went back to JingAn Kerry Center to work OT from 9 to 10PM. Before I finished , I booked a taxi from DiDi , so when I finished work five minutes later, the taxi had arrived. Then I got/arrived home at 10:30PM/half past 10 at night.


Carrying the shopping makes over-65s stronger


Part 2

The physiotherapists warned that the rise of Internet shopping means older people are not getting a “shopping workout”. Research shows that getting stronger makes people healthier, so it is important that people focus on their strength as they age. Older people can also do gardening, vacuuming and standing up regularly. A physiotherapist said: “We must move past the idea that becoming weaker and frailer is inevitable (in – ev – it – tuh – bull )  as we get older.”