F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [W]


Write what you really mean below. Edit your writing. 

Needs more review

Does your son have any allergies? No, my son doesn’t have any allergies.

To leave the left food on the desk is unacceptable thing. – To leave leftovers on the desk is unacceptable. 

I can’t afford my son’s education tuition.


rehearsal/s ( ree – her – sull ) n. – a time to practice or rehearse sth
eg. The actors were at the rehearsal for the play for 5 hours.
eg. The music concert rehearsal is tomorrow afternoon before the concert.

I want to get laser hair removal on my forehead to make it bigger.
I want to remove the hair from my forehead to make it bigger.

tuition ( 2 – ih – shin )  n. – money to pay a school
eg. Your son’s tuition is extremely expensive.

They live downstairs. – not specific
They live 2 floors/levels below me. – specific

Did your country has yangrou chuan? – Does your country eat yangrou chaun?

butcher/s n. – person who cuts and sells meat and a shop that cuts and sells meat

deli/s n. – shop where you buy ready-to-eat foods

sad adj. –  sad and without hope

Writing exercise

It was a black Aug. and I never such busy ever. Work overtime exceed 12 times a month.
I am work for an ads agency, and I hope my clients could know our process. If clients didn’t know , they will always push our work again and again, that would be cause follow media activates not smoothly.
For example, I give a Sep. media budget for client. I need client approved us to executed this campaign. My client should know this budget not including our service fee. It’s a basic things in ads cooperation.
It’s a little my complain.

It was a dark August because I was never ever this/that busy. My OT/overtime exceeded 12 times this month.
I am working for an ad agency and my clients rush us/pressure us to work faster. They will always push our work again and again, that would be cause follow media activates not smoothly.***What does this mean? TBC
For example, I give a Sep. media budget for client. I need client approved us to executed this campaign. My client should know this budget not including our service fee. It’s a basic things in ads cooperation.
It’s a little my complain.