F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [W]


Review the 2 diary entries below and write a new diary entry.


(eyelid) crease/s n. – line on/in your eyelid

he went shopping on the internet with my cardHe bought sth online with my card.

We have already broke up. – We had already broken up. ***This is better because this is in the past past 

write down an entry in my diary / write in my diary / write a diary entry

Writing exercise

Monday is usually very busy but today is opposite. That’s why I can sat down in my office, opened my computer, ordered a cup of coffee and wrote down my entry dairy in such a Monday morning. I woke up at 20 pass 8 and did everything as same as I do in the weekday morning. It seems nothing gonna be special until I accept my ex-bf’s message and he asked me to have a dinner tonight. It’s very contradicted for me when I saw this message. On the one hand, I really want to say “Yes ! †even though I know I shouldn’t. On the other hand , I don’t know how to say “No !†to him like I always didn’t know how to refuse him before.

Monday is usually very busy but today is the opposite/special/different. That’s why I could sit down in my office, turn on my computer, order a cup of coffee and write down an entry in my dairy in such a Monday morning. I woke up at 8:20 and did everything as I do regularly/normally during the work week. It seemed nothing was gonna be special until I received a message from my ex-bf asking me to have dinner tonight.

When I saw this message I was torn in two. On one hand, I really want to say “Yes! †even though I know I shouldn’t. On the other (hand), I never know how to say “No!†to him like in the past / before.

Today I woke up at almost 9 which is the time I should have sat in my office and begun my work actually. I felt a bit tired because I slept too late last night. I finished all the skincare and makeup routine as soon as possible and went out to my office quickly. Unfortunately, I met my boss in the elevator and said hello to him. He said how are you doing these day. And I said pretty good! What a embarrassing morning it is!

Today I woke up at almost 9 which is the time I should have sat down at my desk and actually began my work. I felt a bit tired because I slept too late last night. I finished all my morning/daily/skincare and makeup routine as soon as possible and rushed out to my office quickly. Unfortunately, I ran into my boss in the elevator (I met my boss in the elevator) and embarrassingly said hello to him.