F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [W]


laundry service – company that collects laundry and washes them for you

Writing exercise

I think India is a country with a religious faith. They have a lot of gods who love to worship gods in life. They have many special customs. They like turn to gods for help, whether it’s a holiday or a major event. There is a Bollywood in Bombay which is a famous movies base. India is a nation who are good at singing and dancing in my eyes. I want to dance with them in beautiful saris. When I was teenager, I saw a biopic about Gandhi, which left me a deep memory. I admire anyone who fights for right faith. That’s my India’s impressions.
Now I practice yoga to know that it originated from India. So I decided to go there and learn about the real life and the meaning of life in yogi. I don’t know what’s waiting for me the front. But I believe I will overcome the difficulties and get life I want.
I thought about what Mysore would encounter, it should be a little bit more in life, that’s not very important. Anyway, I’m ready. Mysore, I’m coming!

I think India is a country with a lot of/many religious faiths. They have a lot of gods that they love to worship in life. They have many special customs. They like to turn to gods for help, whether it’s a holiday or a major event. There is a Bollywood in Bombay which is a famous movie location. In my eyes, India is a nation which  is good at singing and dancing. I want to dance with them in beautiful saris. When I was a teenager, I saw a biography movie about Gandhi, which was deeply memorable. I admire anyone who fights for right faith. That’s my impression of India.
Before I didn’t know yoga originated from India. So I decided to go there and learn about the real life and the meaning of a yogi life. I don’t know what’s waiting for me when I arrive/get there/in India.
I don’t know what’s waiting ahead of me.  But I believe I will overcome the difficulties and get the life I want.

I don’t have any more questions, but if I have a problem there I can ask a local. Anyway, I’m ready to go. Mysore, I’m coming!

– Goodbye, have a great trip! Celeste