F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [W]***


Use the vocabulary below in example sentences or a story (topic idea: bullying, the time when you were growing up, young children today)

Needs more review

The startup company is hard to recruit many employees.
It is hard for a startup company to recruit many employees.
The startup company is having a hard time recruiting many employees.
The startup company has problems recruiting many employees.

Writing exercise

I subscribed to a podcast called this is American life on my phone app. One day, the topic was ‘tell me I’m fat’. Actually, most fat people would like others to accpet them who they are, not tell them you are fat. In China, people pursues a slim shape. Some of them consider that a slim shape means a thin body. So, in their eyes, i am a fat person. One day, my colleagues were chatting in the office. One of them suddenly said, Allison. I cant restrain myself to ask you, why dont you button up the sleeves? I knew she was mocking me I am fat as she always did this. I laughed and replied, oh. I am too fat to button up. Everyone in the office began to laugh.
If you are overweighted, don’t be vulnerable when people mock you. You can beat back them with self-sarcasm.

I subscribed to a podcast called This is American Life on my phone/from my podcast app. One day, the topic was “Tell me I’m fat.” Actually, most fat people would like others to accept them for who they are and how they are, not tell them they are fat. In China, people pursue a slim figure / body shape. Some of them consider that a slim shape means a thin, beautiful/sexy/attractive/appealing body. So, in their eyes, i am a fat person.
One day, my colleagues were chatting in the office. One of them suddenly said, Allison, I cant control/help myself I need to ask you, why don’t you button up the sleeves?” I knew she was mocking me because/that I am fat as she always does this. I laughed and replied, “Oh. I am too fat to button up.” Everyone in the office burst with laughter/exploded with laughter/began to laugh.
If you are overweight, don’t be vulnerable when people mock/laugh at/make fun of/tease/make jokes about/poke fun at you. You can beat them back with self-sarcasm.


beat / beating  sb up – to fight sb, to attack sb
eg. Bigger children often beat smaller children up at school.
eg. “I’m going to beat you up if you eat all my chocolate cake!” said the wife to her husband.

attention grabbing – sth or sb that easily gets your attention

attention seeking – sb who looks for approval or more social media “likes” from others

get under sb’s skin – to bother or tease sb and piss them off or get on their nerves
eg. It gets under my skin when people laugh at me when I am trying to speak Chinese.

come back/s – A reply, especially a quick witty one; a retort.
eg. “Your mom” jokes are good come backs when you don’t know what to say to a rude comment.