F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [W]***


Water & Apples

Write a story like Water & Apples.


I went shopping with Amy. / Amy and I went shopping.
I shopped with Amy. / Amy and I shopped.

only just – used to refer to something that happens almost immediately after something else:
eg. People were leaving and I’d only just arrived.
eg. We’d only just set off when the car broke down.
eg. I only just began the class when the wifi stopped. 

Writing exercise

When I do sth… / When sb does sth…
When I call you, you always smile.  – perfect!
When my mom teach me how to cook I don’t want to learn. – When my mom taught me how to cook, I didn’t want to learn.

When I am doing sth… / When sb is doing sth…
When I am watching Chinese tv shows Michel never watches with me.
When I am practicing yoga I feel is comfortable. –  When I am practicing yoga, I feel comfortable.

help or helps / helping / helped / will (or can) help
He helps me that moved the chairs to my home. – He helps me move the chairs to my home.
She is helping me to study English.

original (uh – rij – jin – nul )
I need to offer my original ID to France French Embassy.
I sold my yoga membership card that the card original was 11600RMB. – I sold my yoga membership card and the card’s original price was 11600RMB.

She was the only girl in the training. – perfect!
I only just paid 10RMB for the fake earrings.

at first
At first, you should take a shower and then have a dinner.
At first, I need to check the train ticket’s time and I know when I should go to the train station. – At first, I need to check the train ticket for the time / the time on the train ticket so I will know when I should go to the train station.

I finally found my earrings it lost a long time. – I finally found my earrings which I lost for a long time. 
I finally changed my English pronunciation. – PERFECT!