F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [W]


Write 13 long sentences like we practiced in class.

am / is / are
am not / is not / are not

I am not going out tonight instead I will watch TV because I am tired.

He is not going to the movies instead he will go to read a book at a cafe because he is a good student.

She is not going to the mall instead she will cook dinner at home because she needs to feed her son.

We are not going to Reel to eat instead we will go to Barbarian because Barbarian’s food is delicious.

They are not going to school instead they will go to the library because the library is quiet.

Writing exercise

What did you do yesterday?

On the weekend, my friend birthday. together are dinner at the Changshou Road. My six friends and I ate seafood. After we finished dinner at nine o’clock. My friends and I went to KTV to sing. We drank beer and whiskey. Play dice. After, we went to home to sleep.

Sunday was my friend‘s birthday.  My 6 friends and I ate dinner at a restaurant on Changshou Road. We ate seafood. The birthday boy treated us to dinner. / The birthday boy paid for dinner. After we finished dinner at nine o’clock, my friends and I went to KTV to sing. We drank beer and whiskey.  We played dice. After, we went home to sleep.