F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [W]


balcony ( bAL ku nee ) – yangtai 阳台

build / building / built 

Image result for fruit

kiwi – 猕猴桃

Image result for vegetables


sth is + adj (big, small, little, large, clean, dirty, hot, cold, beautiful, ugly…)+ like sth
eg. His head is small like a grape.
eg. His middle body is medium like a kiwi.
eg. His lower body is large like a peach.

eg. The lion’s head is medium like a pear.
eg. The lion’s nose is small like a plum.
eg. The lion’s feet are small like an apple.

eg. The snowman’s body is big like 10 pumpkins.
eg. The snowman’s head is medium like a pumpkin.

Image result for snowmen

Writing exercise

What did you do in the snow? (Who? What? Where? When? How many minutes did you build the snowman for? 5-7 sentences)

In the yesterday morning, I build a snowman.

The snowman is small and cute.

Is in the I my home.

Is dasn’t have hair, nose, mouth, eye.

I build snowman 60 minutes.

Yesterday morning, I buila snowman. My snowman is small and cute. He doesn’t have hair, nose, mouth, or eyes. His head is small like a grape. His middle body is medium like a kiwi. His lower body is large like a peach. He is at my home on my balcony. built my snowman for 60 minutes.