F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [W]


congee – This morning, I ate congee for breakfast.

Writing exercise

eat / am eating / ate
1. I eat breakfast every day.
2. In the morning, I eating egg.  Right now, I am eating one egg.
3. In the morning, I ate congee.

drink / am drinking / drank
1. I drink warte water every day.
2. Right now, I am drinking orange juc  juice.
3. In the morning, I drank apple juic juice.

write / am writing / wrote
1. Every day, I write homework.
2. Right now, I am writing homework.
3. In the morning, I wrote the my homework.

play / am playing / played
1.Every day I play football with my dad.
2. Right now, I am playing football at the playground.
3. In the evening, I played football with my mom at the park.

read / am reading / read
1. I read English books when I am happy.
2. I am reading English books aft I am fun.  in my room and after I am happy. 
3. I read Chinese books, and English books, then I am was so happy happly.


congee 😀

juics – juice

ate 😀

drank 😀

wort – wrote

home work – homework

writeing – writing