F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [W]

Next Class: Edit the writing below. 


more than half and one year
more than a year and a half /more than one year and a half
more than one and a half years ago 
/ more than a and a half years ago


appreciation ( uh – pree – she – A – shin )

reimbursements ( ree – im – burss – mints )

receipts ( rih – seets )

Do you have an issue? Here’s a tissue.

offended ( offen – did )

Writing exercise

When I was 20, I tried to be a vegan because I thought it can help me to lost my weight. And soon I found it was total stupid. These years I begin to think about it again because some other reasons. I read a lot of articles about earth pollution problems like the fashion industry cause a series of pollution problems , or to be a vegan can make earth more healthy.
I began to think about myself. What should
I do for earth? I try to be a vegan or firstly start from eating less meat. I only buy something must-be instead of crazy shopping. I cook my lunch by myself instead of taking away. I avoid to eat or drink outside. I began to learn more knowledge and collect much info about pollution and I also try to persuade people around me not to waste.
I also have many things can do, like always carry a bottle and shopping bag with me, also to attend some volunteer activities. The most important thing is I hope more and more people special for the young people can realize how serious the pollution problems are right now!
When I keep doing these things for a period I find my life start to be greater than before. My mind feel peaceful and happy maybe because I think I am doing something right which are very good for our future life.

When I was 20, I tried to be a vegan because I thought it can help me to lost my weight. And soon I found it was total stupid. These years I begin to think about it again because some other reasons. I read a lot of articles about earth pollution problems like the fashion industry cause a series of pollution problems , or to be a vegan can make earth more healthy.
I began to think about myself. What should
I do for earth? I try to be a vegan or firstly start from eating less meat. I only buy something must-be instead of crazy shopping. I cook my lunch by myself instead of taking away. I avoid to eat or drink outside. I began to learn more knowledge and collect much info about pollution and I also try to persuade people around me not to waste.
I also have many things can do, like always carry a bottle and shopping bag with me, also to attend some volunteer activities. The most important thing is I hope more and more people special for the young people can realize how serious the pollution problems are right now!
When I keep doing these things for a period I find my life start to be greater than before. My mind feel peaceful and happy maybe because I think I am doing something right which are very good for our future life.