F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [W]


phone case or cover

protective screen or screen cover

Taobao sellers will raise prices 2 weeks before 11/11. Then on 11/11 they will lower the prices to the original prices.

Some sellers offer a promotion for first come, first serve.
The first 50 buyers/customers will receive a discount or promotion.
Everyone after, will not.

give-away/s  or freebie/s n. – product that is freely given
eg. The seller will give away a free iPhone every hour. (verb)
eg. Did you receive a freebie or give-away when you bought your iPhone case?

Writing exercise

It was a dark August because I was never ever that busy. My OT exceeded 12 times this month.
I am working for an ad agency and my clients always rush us to work faster. For a moment I thought my client must be have no work experience on ad. They doesn’t know how to deliver an advertising campaign for an agency company. The communication not good will make both confused.
For example, I gave a Sep. media quotation to my client. I need client approved us to handle this campaign. My client should know this budget not including our service fee. But they didn’t know, so they asked me why you didn’t talked me before. It’s a common sense in ads cooperation. I can’t imagine why. It’s not my fault.

It was a dark August because I was never ever that busy. I worked OT 12 times this month. 
I am working for an ad agency and my clients always rush us to work faster. Once I thought my client must not have ad experience. They don’t know how to deliver an advertising campaign to an agency company. If the communication is not good, it will make both teams/companies/parties confused.
For example, I gave a Sep. media quote/quotation to my client. I need my client to accept the campaign. My client should have known this budget did not include our service fee. But they didn’t know, so they asked me why I didn’t tell/inform them before. It’s common sense in any business. I can’t imagine what they were thinking. It’s not my fault.