F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [S]


I think my eyelash extensions will fall out/come off in one week.

When I used my membership card I will never to make a new card. – When I use/finish/spend all the money on my membership card I will not make/buy a new card.

my cup size is B

from the side I look flat like a (board, piece of paper, runway…)

swimsuit/s (for everybody) – bikini (for women, 2 pieces), 1 piece swimsuit

bargain / bargaining / bargained – to discuss prices with a seller to pay the cheaper price
eg. At Qipu Road you can bargain with the sellers.

they will tap/type the price/numbers on their calculator ( kalk – U – later )

spend vs. cost vs. take
eg. I spent money on clothes. They cost 100RMB. My shopping trip took 4 hours.
eg. I bought 2 apples and they cost (me) 20 RMB. It took me 2 hours and I spent a lot of time.
eg. You spent 200RMB on your nails. Your manicure cost 200 RMB. It took 1 and a half hours.
eg.I spent 30 RMB on my lunch. my salad cost 35 RMB, it’s a little over my budget. it took me 25 minutes to eat it/lunch/my salad.

schedule = daily or monthly or yearly time/activities
eg. My work schedule is Monday-Thursday.
eg. On today’s schedule I need to update post buy.

budget – spending and earning / income and expenses plan
eg. My lunch budget is 30 RMB per day.

Speaking exercise

When I was a little girl I bought 2 little ducks and I feed them. Then the 2 little ducks grow up. But when they grow up I found one eye’s was blood and one duck is (weird dance)… So I ate them. I feed many many ducks. I bought many many ducks because they can grow up easily. Just you give them some food, water, they can grow up by its themself. When I was a little girl, I lived in the country not in the city. When they were little little duck they fight each other, I think. It’s a result for grow up.

When I was a little girl I lived in the country where(and at that place) I bought 2 little ducks and I fed them. Then the 2 little ducks grew up. But when they grew up I found one duck was blind in one eye and one duck’s leg was broken… So I ate them. I think when they were little little ducks they fought each other. That’s natural/normal because they were wild animals.

I bought and took care of/fed many many ducks because they are easy to raise. I just gave them some food, water, and they grew up by themselves.