F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [S]

Continue editing the speaking exercise below. 


threading – hair removal with a string or thread
laser hair removal – hair removal with a strong laser machine

death sentence = noun
sentenced to death = verb

robot = noun
robotic = adj


I always do sth
eg. I always go to the gym.

This weekend, I went to the gym.

Speaking exercise

Q: What was the movie about?

This weekend, we finished exercise. We went to DVD shop to buy a CD but the name I don’t remember but the detail described a man did some bad things and he went to the jail the man to judge decide him to go to dead. And the government give the guy to use another medicine but looks he is really dead but actually he is not dead. But the government carry on his body to change his body… they leave his head but the body is robot his head and his heart are human and another place are robot. So maybe a few years later when he woke up he felt the world had a big change. In the start he don’t recognize his robot but someday when someone fight him he recovered his body can recover by himself. The man with another government army to kill another bad guy.

This weekend, after we finished exercising,
This weekend , after we exercised, we went to the/a DVD shop to buy a DVD but the name I don’t remember. But the movie is about a criminal in jail who was sentenced to death by a judge. But a secret government wants him alive to make him a robot to rule the world. So, they give the guy another medicine to make him look dead but actually he is not dead. So, the secret government takes his body to research how to make him a robot. So, they leave his head and his heart but his body becomes robotic.  So a few years later when he woke up he felt the world had changed a lot / changed completely.


In the start he don’t recognize his robot but someday when someone fight him he recovered his body can recover by himself. The man with another government army to kill another bad guy.


market ( mar – kit )