F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [S]

Next class: Try to give more details and information when speaking! 😀


Copy the speaking exercise below and self-correct it. Upload it as an email service or homework for your next class. 


All of the people are related to that industry. – All of the people are working for in that industry.

Our sales people  sales representatives(reps) / sales teams are from different cities.

It’s a normal hotel. – It’s an ordinary / usual hotel. It’s not a special / not a fancy / not an elegant hotel. 

He is my rock. = Expression meaning this person is dependable, reliable, safe, sturdy, responsible, supportive, helpful, selfless…

Speaking exercise

Summarize the article from your previous class.

It’s about the Queen Elizabeth marriage anniversary. She celebrate with her husband, Prince Philips. They celebrated at the Windsor Castle and take many portraits. This year is her ____ anniversary. They publish the memorative postage stamps. The article also said their marriage can be longer because they can share jokes.