F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [S]


Practice the pronunciation below with the recordings.



zipper/s – la lian

dark blue, baby blue, light blue

hood – part of coat that goes over your head

Speaking exercise

What did you buy on 11/11 Single’s Day? 

I bought coats. My coats you zipper. My coat color is dark blue. My bought 4 coats. 2 have hood, 2 not have hood. Dou you la lian/zipper. I bought coat at the 6 o’clock. Yesterday at 11 o’clock ding na zhong.

I bought 4 coats from Uniqlo on Taobao. All the coats have zippers. I bought 2 dark blue coats, 1 for my dad and 1 for my grandpa, and they have hoods. I bought 1 pink coat for my mom and 1 white coat for myself/me. Yesterday at 11 o’clock, I set an alarm. This morning, I bought the coats at 6AM. 


zzzz – zara, zap, zip, zipper

r – rat, rap, rop, rope, rack