F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [R/W]***


Listen to the recording of the article below a few times while reading along. Practice the mouth movements.  

In your next class, edit the writing below. 


science ( sai – yinss )

genes = jeans

small ( smoll )

think -> thing

diet ( die – yit )


fussy adj. – not easily satisfied, picky
eg. Many young children are fussy eaters.


Study finds why children don’t eat their greens


Everyone knows that young children don’t like eating greens. It is difficult for parents to get their children to eat vegetables like broccoli. A new study explains why this is. The study looked at the eating habits of two- to four-year-olds. The study found that two genes can make children dislike greens. The genes can make some youngsters dislike new food, so they become fussy eaters. It found that not liking greens is because of a child’s genes. This means parents do not have to stress if their children do not eat vegetables. Many parents worry because their children do not eat healthily.

The study found that changes in DNA changes how small children taste things. Children think many green vegetables taste bitter. Natasha Cole, a member of an obesity prevention program said it was not surprising that some children have a sensitive taste. She said this makes them think things like broccoli are bitter. She said the new research could help to find new ways of fighting obesity in children. Ms Cole says there needs to be more research. She said: “There is a huge gap in the research when children [move] from a milk-based diet to foods that the rest of the family eats.”

Writing exercise

Yesterday I spent about an hour to read that article. I know that increasing people dying from noncommunicable diseases, like cardiovascular disease, diabetes. Even we have achieved a lot in protecting people from noncommunicable diseases, but there is still much need to be done. I’m interested in child obesity, as it may develop into kinds of diseases ( eg. Diabetes). And we must remember that child obesity is very popular, you can see it everywhere. Why that happens? In China, there is one main reason. Maybe it also fit with other countries. That is excessive fondness from their families. As one family only has one baby, parents and grandparents give all good things they think to their children. In most cases, children are not hungry, but their families just push them to eat. That’s how children’s appetite becoming bigger and bigger, which could lead to obesity easily.

Yesterday I spent about an hour to read that article. I know that increasing people dying from noncommunicable diseases, like cardiovascular disease, diabetes. Even we have achieved a lot in protecting people from noncommunicable diseases, but there is still much need to be done. I’m interested in child obesity, as it may develop into kinds of diseases ( eg. Diabetes). And we must remember that child obesity is very popular, you can see it everywhere. Why that happens? In China, there is one main reason. Maybe it also fit with other countries. That is excessive fondness from their families. As one family only has one baby, parents and grandparents give all good things they think to their children. In most cases, children are not hungry, but their families just push them to eat. That’s how children’s appetite becoming bigger and bigger, which could lead to obesity easily.