F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [R/S]


Big Bad Wolf

bath tub – 澡盆
eg. I take a bath in the bath tub. 

washing machine – 洗衣机

fireplace – 火炉

 At the Park

ladybug – 瓢虫
eg. How many ladybugs do you see?

skateboard/s – 滑板
eg. Do you have a skateboard?


Q: Who did you read this book with? 
A: I read this book with Jesse / Celeste / my dad / my mommy.

Do you want to…?
Do you want to read your book? Yes, I want  to read my book.
Do you want to play on my swing? Yes, I want to play on your swing.
Do you want to read books? Yes, I want to read books.
Do you want to play with your little baby brother? Yes, I want to play with my little brother.
Do you want to go to Smart English to see Celeste? Yes, I want to go to SE to see Celeste.
Do you want to eat ice cream? Yes, I want to eat chocolate, apple, grape and orange ice cream.

Can you…?
Can you ride a bike? No, I cannot ride a bike.
Can you swim? Yes, I can swim.
Can you run fast? Yes, I can run very fast!
Can you dance? Yes, I can dance very beautifully!
Can you ride a skateboard? No, I cannot ride skateboard.

Speaking exercise

What is this?
I don’t know what this is. 

  • It’s a noise maker!

What can you do with it?
I can play with it and I can make a lot of noise.

Who gave you the noise maker?
My daddy and my mommy gave me my noise maker.

What color is the noise maker?
The noise maker is pink, orange, yellow and black.

How many circles are?
There are 4 circles. The yellow circle is the biggest. The orange circle is the smallest. 

What is this?
This is a smiley face.