F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [R]***


Try to use some of the vocabulary phrases below to continue writing your story.


After we review the previous class notes, I want to tell you a story about when I came here.

On my way to SE I saw a foreign woman riding a bicycle with a baby behind her and a baby in front of her. I rode faster to catch up to them…


Before 18, I was not an obedient daughter. After the 18, I think I grew up. I became an obedient daughter. I can understand my mother’s feelings. Before 18, I was stubborn, and I couldn’t listen to my mother, I often talk back to her, and now I don’t live with my parents but I can understand them better.


before =B 4

Obedient ( O B D yint )

daughter ( daw – ter )

stubborn ( stuh bern )

now (nao)