F2F Class Notes (Celeste)


Use the vocabulary below to write instructions on how to wash laundry.
Eg: Step 1. Bring the laundry basket to the laundry machine


Class Topic: How to wash clothes in a laundry machine

top loading washing machine vs. front loading washing machine

gather / gathering / gathered v. – to bring together, get together, to collect

laundry basket/s n. – container to collect dirty clothes

load/s n. – a lot of one thing, amount/quantity/ a bunch or collection of sth
eg. I washed 2 loads of laundry this morning.

separate / separating / separated (-tid) – to put apart, divide or distinguish sth
eg. In China we wash our clothes with cold water. In France they wash their clothes with hot water so they need to separate their whites, colors, and darks into different loads.

laundry detergent ( D – ter – jint ) n.- soap for clothes
eg. I usually put laundry detergent depends on clothes.  – Depending on the load of laundry, I usually use/put about 1 cup of laundry detergent.

pour / pouring / poured (-d) v. – to put liquid (coffee, water, tea, juice, detergent) into sth
eg. Most washing machines have a hole or drawer to put the detergent, but I pour mine into the barrel.

open and close the cover/lid/door

push the power/on and off button, then press the start button

take out the clothes and take them to the balcony (yangtai)

use a hanger (yijia) to hang one shirt to dry 

hang / hanging / hung – to put something up
eg. I hang my clothes on the clothes line on my balcony to dry.

leave the door open to air out the machine to stop mold