F2F Class Notes (Celeste)


Write a diary entry about your trip to France. Focus on your grammar.


twitchy adj. – small movements usually when you are nervous, worried, tired
eg. My eye is twitchy.

How is his family? How are his friends? = How are they? (how are you?)

his young sister (older or first sister) vs. baby sister = youngest sister
eg. His baby sister is an employee for LV.

native – adj.
eg. Suzy is a native Chinese speaker, Celeste is a native English speaker.

simple / natural (nice) vs. flavorless / bland (negative)

canyoning – traveling in canyons

slide/s – noun
eg. There is a baby on the slide at the park.

slide / sliding / slid – smooth and sometimes fast movement
eg. We went sliding down the canyon.
eg. He slid his hand down her back.
eg. We need more room, can you slide your chair over?