F2F Class Notes (Celeste)***


Read all of the stories from this week 2-3 times. Be prepared to retell them in your next class.

Needs more review

official store
eg. F1 store is an official store.
eg. Are fake markets official stores? No, they aren’t official stores.
eg. Here in Shanghai, the official stores are too expensive.

better price than
eg. I used to be Nokia store. We had provide the better prices mobile for customer. – I used to work at/for Nokia Store. We had provided better prices for mobiles for customers than nonofficial stores.
eg. The coffee is a better price than the tea.

I was always in a rush
eg. Yesterday, I was in a rush because I lot of people visited my home.

well-known – Jing’an Temple is a well-known temple.

afterlife – a place you go when you die
eg. Actually, I never thought about afterlife.

spiritual – believing in a higher power, something you can’t explain. God, Reincarnation.
eg. Practice yoga somebody think it about spiritual life/mind and somebody think superficial is important. – Some people practice yoga for spiritual reasons and some people practice yoga for superficial reasons.

franchise – We talked about Nokia, it is a franchise store.

synonym – A synonym is a similar word.

synonymous ADJ. – these words have almost same meaning
eg: Big is synonymous for huge.
eg. Small is synonymous for tiny.


poker vs. poke vs. poke ( po – kay, Hawaiian fish dish )

taxis vs. taxes

provided ( prou – vai – did ) vs. private ( prai – vit )

synonym ( sin – no – nim )


I need to do sth from a time.
I need to retell our last week’s lessons. I need to retell a story that I wrote from last week’s lessons.