F2F Class Notes (Celeste)***

Edit the writing below in your next class and review the vocab.

Writing exercise

Nag- My parents likes to nag me .
I left home because my mum was nagging me when i lived home.

I realized what they want to do after we talking to them for a few minutes .

I didn’t realize what i want to buy in H&M brand.

Girls always like to buy different accessories to match their clothes.

I like a lot of handmade accessories.


Topic: What do you like about your job? What do you dislike about your job?

career – 生涯,èŒä¸šï¼›äº‹ä¸š
eg. My career is in  visual merchandising. 

fashion trend/s n. – a new development in clothing, make-up, etc.
eg. Every year has different fashion trends.

do / doing / did / have or had done
eg. I do this job everyday.
eg. I am doing this job now.
eg. I did this job last week. – in the past and finished
eg. I have done this job for 5 years. – started in the past but still doing it
eg. I had done this job for 5 years. – started in the past and finished

ex-jobprevious ( pree V iss ) job

headquarters n. – main offices of an organization or company
eg. My office is located at the company headquarters.

guideline/s n. – information intended to advise people on how something should be done or what something should be
eg. Every season we have to make/create guidelines for shops.

imaginative adj. – clever and original
creative adj. – making unusual or uncommon ideas
eg. If you want to become a visual merchandiser, you have to be creative and imaginative.

distributor (diss chrih – bu ter ) n. –a person or organization that supplies goods to shops and companies
eg. My company is a distributor of women’s fashion.