F2F Class Notes (Celeste)***

At the beginning of every class, make Prince make sentences with the previously learned vocabulary and grammar to make sure that she reviews and understands 100%. Do not teach new vocabulary until she understands how to make sentences (S + V + O)

Needs more review

I got up late, I was almost late to work.

My company has/is mostly all boys.


yeah – yes but not as happy or excited

lobby – the (large) room into which the main entrance door opens in a hotel or other large building

Do you have another job (at another place/location/school?)

private ( prai – vit ) adj. – ç§äºº
eg. She has private classes on the weekends.
eg. This meeting is private.

standard ( stan – dird ) adj. – biao zhun, 标准


axe vs. ask

clients ( klai – yints )

want (open mouth big)  vs. went (close mouth a little)


You hear me speak English. – statement
Do you hear me speaking English? – Do you think my English pronunciation is good or bad?