F2F Class Notes (Celeste)***


Write 2 example sentences practicing each frequency adverbs in the list below.


taught (tot) vs. talked ( tok – t )

al sounds with no L – walk (wok) talk (tok)


this morning, last night, yesterday, 2 days ago, 3 years ago, when I was a child, when I lived in France

have eaten = TIME IS UNCLEAR
already, never, before, yet, ever, until now, so far, recently, in the past days

Q: Have you ever eaten foie gras?
A: Yes, I have eaten foie gras
Yes, I have eaten foie gras before.
Yes, I have already eaten foie gras.

Q: Have you eaten yet?
A: No, I haven’t eaten yet.

In a conversation:
I haven’t eaten shark yet.
I haven’t had my wedding yet.
I haven’t received my package yet.

Q: What would you want to be happy?
A: I would to find a job where I earn millions.  – I would be happy to find a job where I earn millions.
A: I would be happy when I leave Shanghai.
A: I would be happy when I have a  baby/babies or kid/kids (child/children)

if only  – si seulement

Q: What would make you angry?
A: I would be angry if  my husband disagreed with me.
A: I would be angry if something bad happened during my wedding. / I would be angry if something bad happened on my wedding day.

Q: What would make you sad(heartbroken/devastated)?
A: I would be sad/heartbroken/devastated if I lost my parents.

until now
eg. Until now, Celeste has never been to Thailand. = Celeste has not been to Thailand until now.
eg. Until now, Catia didn’t know how to use “until now”.
eg. Until now, Catia has never lived in Asia.

I have always the same problem. – I always have the same problem.