F2F Class Notes (Celeste)***


Make 2 example sentences or write a story with: put on, discipline, cardio, and put on.

Needs more review

scale ( skei – ull ) – a device used to weigh things
eg: Every morning I weigh myself on the scale in my bathroom.
eg. I have a Xiaomi scale by my bathroom door.
eg. In my kitchen I have a food scale but it is broken.

drop / dropping / dropped (-t) – to let go of, or lose(weight)
eg: I dropped one kilo last week.
eg. You dropped your door card on the floor.

eg. Michel’s friends are dropping Michel and I off at the airport tomorrow morning.  (Michel’s friends will drop Michel and I off at the airport tomorrow morning.)
eg. I am dropping off my bag at home right now. (I will drop off my bag at home right now.)

skinny / skinnier / skinniest adj.– thin or not fat, slim
eg: Did you lose weight, you look skinnier.
eg. Suzy is skinnier than Celeste.
eg. The models are skinnier than normal people.

fantasize / fantasizing / fantasized – imagining that something is real in your mind
eg: I’m fantasizing about food, because I haven’t eaten dinner in two weeks.
eg. Celeste is fantasizing about when she will go to Thailand and eat mango sticky rice every day.
eg. Suzy is fantasizing about her wedding dress.
eg. I am fantasizing about when I will go to France.


158 cm / 1.58 meters = about/around/almost 160 centimeters or about 1.6meters

chew / chewing / chewed – to open and close your teeth to eat your food
eg. Celeste is chewing gum.
eg. The dog is chewing bones.

sth is different than/from sth
eg. My bag is different from your bag.
eg. My body shape is different than your body shape.