F2F Class Notes (Celeste)***


Write example sentences for the previous vocabulary in the other lessons.

Needs more review

Accurate (adj): 1- correct, exact, and without any mistakes.
E.g.: The figures (numbers) they have used are just not accurate.
eg. My exam was accurate.
eg. The measurement/length of my dad’s trousers that my mom sent me is accurate.

Span (n/v): 1- the period of time that sometimes exists or happens:
E.g.: He has a short attention span.
E.g.: Over a span of just three years, the new government has transformed the country’s economic prospects.
eg. The lifespan of a butterfly is 2 days.
eg. She was in the tanning bed for a span of 10 minutes.
eg. I have been in Shanghai for 2 years and I will be in Shanghai for a span of another year/ 1 more year.

Layer (n): 1- a level of material, such as a type of rock or gas, that is different from the material above or below it, or a thin sheet of a substance.
E.g.: There’s a hole in the ozone layer
E.g.: There was a thin layer of oil on the surface of the water.
eg. After lunch I will give put/paint the second layer of paint on the wall.
eg. In the winter, we wear many layers of clothing/clothes/garments.
eg. There are 4 layers in the cake.

Flow (v/n): 1- (especially of liquids, gases, or electricity) to move in one direction, especially continuously and easily. 2- the movement of something in one direction
E.g.: Lava from the volcano was flowing down the hillside.
E.g.: European governments are trying to deal with the intense flow of refugees from war-torn Syria.
eg. The river is flowing.
eg. The water is flowing through the tap.
eg. That restaurant offers a free flow of champagne and coffee during brunch.
eg. The class flows really well.
eg. I didn’t like that step class flow.

Rely (v): 1- to depend on or trust someone or something.
E.g.: You can’t rely on good weather for the whole trip.
eg. I can’t rely on you because you always are joking.

Educated guess (n): 1-  a guess that is made using judgment and a particular level of knowledge and is therefore more likely to be correct
E.g.: Having all that information, he was able to make an educated guess about the results.
eg. I made an educated guess and ordered dinner for you since I knew you wouldn’t want to go out after a long day at work.
eg. I can make an educated guess that after my dad’s first travel trip to Mexico he will continue traveling.
eg. I took the test but I made all educated guesses. 

Relatable (adj): 1-  that someone can understand or feel sympathy for:
E.g.: One of the reasons for her success is that the characters in her books are so relatable.
eg. Her life story is relatable.
eg. Anne Frank’s history is relatable.


tanning bed – horizontal, lay down
tanning booth – vertical, stand up

booth – phone booth, photo booth, booth at an event

stand – fruit/vegetable stand

cart – Chinese fruit cart, food carts, shopping carts

is depend…it depends on…


accurate ( ak – kyer – it )

figures ( fig – yers )
