F2F Class Notes (Celeste)


Read and review your textbook, Side by Side.


will get bad and bad and bad = will get worse
If the factories continue making products the pollution will get worse. 

Last weekend the pollution was bad.

figurine – small statue

I don’t care if it’s a boy or girl.

I wasn’t very sick. / I didn’t have morning sickness. – (孕妇)恶心,晨吐

When I was 2/3/4/5 -> months pregnant…

She’s not very good with babies / children. 

I love my parents but I don’t want them to live with me. I want to do my own thing. 

We want to raise our children our way.

tuition ( 2 ih shin) = school fees

Maybe in abroad Maybe overseas / Maybe abroad 

Which year were you born?