F2F Class Notes (Celeste)


Do you have for lunch? 

Did you have/eat lunch?
Yes, I did have/eat lunch.
No, I didn’t have/eat lunch.

What did you have for lunch? I ate/had ____.

I ate noodles.

I ate noodles, too and dumplings.

This morning, I didn’t eat bread because the bakery is far from my home. So instead I ate buns at Family Mart.

This morning, I didn’t drink coffee because I didn’t go to Starbucks. So instead, I drank soy milk at Family Mart.

This afternoon, I didn’t take a nap because I taught yoga. 

This afternoon, I didn’t read my book alone because I don’t like to be alone.  So instead, I read my book with my friend at a cafe. 

I didn’t stay at home because it’s cold. So instead I drank coffee in Starbucks with my friend.


bakery ( bei kir ee ) – mianbao dian

yuan – far

jin – near

drink coffee at a cafe