F2F Class Notes (Celeste)


Do #3-4 on page 86 in your book Side by Side. 


Could you tell me ___?

a. why is the boss angry = ***This is a question by itself

b. why the boss is angry = This is the end of the question

Answer: The boss is angry because ___.

Is the boss angry?  yes / no 

It is late, I should go home.  = should + verb

It is late I would be tired tomorrow if I don’t go home.   = would be + adj

Don’t upset me. – verb

I am upset.adj

Do you think + sb would be + adj + if I do sth?
eg. Do you think Jesse would be angry if I left work early?
eg. Do you think my husband would be angry if I lose his watch?

Side by Side page 86 #2

A. I’m thinking of buying a used car from Jones. What do you think?

B. To be honest, I wouldn’t buy a used car from Jones  if I were you.

A. Why do you say that?

B. If you buy a used car from Jones, you’d probably spend a lot of money on repairs.

A. Hmmm. Maybe you are right. / You might be right.