F2F Class Notes (Celeste)


Outside is very cold.  / It is very cold outside.

Today I drank 3 a coffee.  / a cup of coffee.  –
Today I drank 3 cups of coffee.
Today I drank 3 cups of coffee with my friends.
My friends and I drank 3 cups of coffee today.
My friends and I went to 3 different places and drank coffee. 

place = difeng

Yoga English

right foot step forward / step your right foot forward

palms together, in front of your chest

twist to the right, left elbow to the right knee

reach your right arm behind your back

reach your left arm below your right leg

reach for your hands and bind your hands together

Speaking exercise

What will you do after class? 

I finish English class, I go to home, bag home. I walked 

After class, I will go/walk home to drop off my big bag. Then, I will go out with my friend to Crystal Galleria to drink wine.