F2F Class Notes (Celeste)


Study and review the new vocabulary below and try to use it in your next class.

Needs more review

The most shocking thing to me was my team leader has divorced got divorced (from his wife) 2 weeks ago.


I want to get a divorce.
We got divorced 2 years ago.

They are divorced. (adj)

Downton Abbey

Are they royalty? (n.) / Are they a royal family?
They are  not the king and queen, but they have high social rank / status.

matriarch n. – an old and powerful woman in a family, or the female leader of a society in which power passes from mother to daughter
eg. She is the matriarch in the family. She’s not a bad person, she’s just traditional.

That’s not his son but his daughter’s husband / that’s his son-in-law.

He lives by / follows some traditional rules/laws/standards.


stubborn ( stuh bern )

struggle (struh – gull )