F2F Class Notes (Celeste)


He is celebrating his 60th/sixtieth birthday.

Northern and Western Chinese do not call their father’s older sister niang niang.  = Chinese northerners and westerners do not….. = People from the north and west of China do not….

gonna = going to 
eg. I’m gonna go to the store later.  = I am going to go to the store later.

Day after day he kept working from day to night = he kept working around the clock / he kept working nonstop / he kept burning the midnight oil / he kept working 24/7

drop everything / drop what you’re doing and… = instantly stop what you’re doing and…
immediately took = immediately rushed
eg. She dropped what she was doing and immediately rushed him to the hospital.

after a couple hours of surgery where they were operating on his brain

operation = surgery
operate / operating / operated / will operate – verb
surgically -adv
eg. The doctor surgically removed 1/4 of his brain.

His skull only is has 3/4 left.