F2F Class Notes (Celeste)


Write a short story about the last time you made a cake. Focus on writing longer sentences and correct grammar. 


After 2 hours yoga class, I am tired. – After a 2-hour yoga class, I am tired.
After a 10-hour flight from Shanghai to Seattle, we will be very exhausted.
After a 30 minute fight with my daughter, I break down / I will break down. 

It has been a long time since I have made a cake.


There is a wire that is rubbing the inside of my cheek.  It’s so painful. 

comparable vs. compatible vs. suitable
SE is not comparable to other training centers because it offers 1-1 classes every day. / My interest is not comparable to my mom’s.
eg. Her and her boyfriend are compatible, they really like each other and talk about marriage all the time. / The couple is compatible.
eg. That shirt you are wearing is suitable for after a workout but not suitable  for a dinner party. / Yesterday, I couldn’t find a suitable word.

vinegar/s – cu – 醋

blender (machine to blend smoothies or blended drinks) vs. mixer (machine to mix cakes, bread…)


versions ( ver – zhinss)  vs. virgins

low vs. law