F2F Class Notes (Celeste)


This app provides us (people who downloaded the app) the lowest travel prices without booking/going on a tour. 

To-Do list: 
-clean the house
-do some laundry
-put books on the shelf
-put toys in his drawers

***This is a list of things to do, we can call these items on a list. We could not call these products because we cannot touch them

It includes a 4-night stay in/at Coco Island Hotel and round-trip airfare for 1 person.
It includes a 4-night stay in/at Coco Island Hotel and 2 round-trip airfare for 2 people.

re-book v. – book sth again
eg. You need to re-book your trip now that there is a spot available.

If I go on this trip, I think I will earn get/gain a lot.


Maldives ( mall – deevs )