F2F Class Notes (Celeste)


Pick a few questions from the list below and be prepared to do a storytelling exercise in your next class.


  1. What do you usually do with your friends?
  2. How long have you known your best friend?
  3. When will you see him/her next?
  4. What do you (and your best friend) usually do together?
  5. Which do you think is better, to have many friends or just a few close friends?
  6. Are most of your friends from school (or university) or from outside of school(or university)?
  7. (Similar to above) Are most of your friends from your work or are they not connected with your work?
  8. Do you prefer to spend time with your relatives (or family), or your friends?
  9. Do you think friendship is important?
  10. Do you like to spend time with friends? (Why?)
  11. Do you prefer to spend time with friends or spend time alone? (Why?)
  12.  Are friends more important than family? (Why?)
  13. What kind of people do you like to have as friends?

Needs more review

intense – to a high degree
eg: The situation is more intense in local areas.
eg. That drama/action/scary movie was intense. = The movie was meaningful/action packed/terrifying.


My teeth are not straight, they are crooked.  ( not stret but strAAAAAAYt)

rough adj.-  not smooth, bumpy, not easy
eg. I had a rough week. (my week is over)
eg. I have had a rough week. (My week is not over yet)

He asked me some questions, I answered to him. -> He asked me some questions, I answered. 

Don’t shit where you eat.  = Don’t make mistakes or problems or drama where you work.