F2F Class Notes (Celeste)


Watch the pronunciation videos.
What do you do to stay cool in the hot summer? Write a short story.

Needs more review

My daddy is not tall. My mom is not tall but I am tall. Knock on wood.
I am short and my husband is short but I hope my baby will not be short. Knock on wood. 

Celeste: I have never been hit by a car. Knock on wood. 

Cassie’s daughter has never gotten sick. Knock on wood. 

I have never been itchy. Knock on wood.

I’m going to the beach tomorrow and I have never been bitten by a shark. Knock on wood.


lesser vs. laser/lazer ( lei zer )


My skin is itchy from the laser hair removal so I want to scratch it.

Native expressions:

I get it / I got it / I gotcha! (I got you)
See ya later!
Love ya!