F2F Class Notes (Celeste)


Write about an experience you had when going to the doctor or dentist when you were a child.


I went to the store/movies/restaurant/my friend’s house…

I went home…

superstition/s n. belief that is not based on human reason or scientific knowledge, but is connected with old ideas about magic
eg. Don’t open your umbrella inside…

superstitious – adj

photography ( fu – taw gruh – fee ) n. – everything having to do with photos and shooting or taking pictures
eg. How was your photography class?

keyboard shortcut/s n. – little tool or trick to help you use a computer
eg. It was a little difficult for me because I’m a beginner. There are a lot of keyboard shortcuts to use.

bucket/s n. – guan

teethe ( tee – the ) v. – If a baby or small child is teething, their first teeth are growing, usually causing pain.